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  • Basic members also have the opportunity to work one on one with Lee in limited Zoom sessions. All sessions are recorded and available to all basic members so we can share the learning generated in the BR community.

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  • PCMH, MIPS, ACO, CPC+ initiatives can be duplicative and we help make sense of them all in the wider context of your practice's best direction for stability, balance and growth. These elements get your practice off the ground on a transformation program designed around the BR transformation methodology, created from the results of 30 years of working in organizational transformation and unique in the industry.

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Transformation Club Membership Options

Operating Rooms

  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Published: Wednesday, January 01 2020 16:32
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 4856

Photo by JAFAR AHMED on Unsplash

Surgery is dependent on a highly complex set of facilities, people, schedules, environments and procedures. To analyze it all as an interconnected system is daunting, which is why most consulting organizations (including the big ones) don’t do it.

We understand the nature of the interrelationships between the OR, supply chain, facilities, sterile processing, logistics, purchasing, surgeons and block allocations and have found that it is in these interrelationships where the most value can be added.

We worked on a major medical center in the southern USA, with a remit to optimize the operating room. After detailed analysis, it quickly became clear that there were multiple difficulties at all levels of the system,  but we concentrated on three:

  1. Turnaround time in the OR units.

  2. Case cart preparation, deployment and tear down

  3. Inventory deployment and supply chain optimization

By treating these issues as interconnected elements in a system, we reduced turnaround time significantly, released technician capacity in preparation and tear down of case carts resulting in vastly decreased overtime, changed the system of preference card setup and maintenance to reduce errors and increased surgeon satisfaction in a highly competitive local market for their services.

OR time is arguably the most valuable resource a hospital has. It’s certainly the most valuable resource a consulting surgeon has, yet system level inefficiencies consume that time in non productive ways. We have a deep understanding of those issues, and have proven countermeasures and methodological systems improvements which can release that capacity to increase patient load, surgical outcomes and profit.

We can work on a specific project basis, or include elements of this in a more general engagement for OR improvement. If you'd like to find out more about our OR experience at BR, and how it can give you increased capacity, please call us at (802) 870 3433 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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