Healthcare Membership Options

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Basic Membership


  • Our basic membership includes access to
  • - our members only Community Forum section,
  • - Video and Classic training materials,
  • - our Newsletters,
  • - Podcasts and
  • - Articles written specifically to address your practice issues.
  • Basic members also have the opportunity to work one on one with Lee in limited Zoom sessions. All sessions are recorded and available to all basic members so we can share the learning generated in the BR community.

Value Membership


  • Our best value membership. Get all the Basic membership benefits, PLUS
  • - a customized "Readiness for Change" project, PLUS
  • - a level 1 Patient Care Value Stream AND
  • - a one hour Zoom meeting EVERY MONTH to help you integrate and align ALL your practice QI initiatives.
  • PCMH, MIPS, ACO, CPC+ initiatives can be duplicative and we help make sense of them all in the wider context of your practice's best direction for stability, balance and growth. These elements get your practice off the ground on a transformation program designed around the BR transformation methodology, created from the results of 30 years of working in organizational transformation and unique in the industry.

Premium Membership


  • Our Premium members receive everything in the Value membership package, PLUS
  • - extra one on one Zoom sessions on specific practice development areas, such as integration of behavioral health, HR issues and Revenue Cycle Management. It is the true custom support solution for strategically aligned QI in your practice. Think of this as your "On Demand Strategic and Operations Support System"

Transformation Club Membership Options

Primary Care Practices

  • Category: Healthcare
  • Published: Tuesday, January 21 2020 13:05
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 4916

We have worked in both Primary Care and Specialty Care practices for years, developing a deep understanding of the issues faced day to day, assisting with Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) recognition programs through NCQA, internal strengthening for the transition to value based care through the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI) and CMS via MIPS / MACRA, and on strategic development and more general management issues utilizing our own methods and systems. 

Photo by Bryan Research LLC 2023

Almost all projects and programs in a PCP setting can be understood by looking at Patient Flow, with all the derivatives such as Length of Stay, Quality Metrics and Population Dynamics. As a part of our basic Transformation Club membership, we can discuss these issues and co create an improvement plan that aligns the multitude of initiatives the PCP has ongoing at any one time. The higher club membership levels offer deeper analytics and the ability to create a true practice management system, enabling wasted capacity to be reclaimed and repurposed for productive gains. 

BR has evolved a practice transformation and management system over many years that resolves three distinct layers in the practice, each with its own set of business processes, key performance indicators and value streams. Understanding these layers is the basis for a sophisticated practice model which mirrors the true situation in much greater detail, allowing key points to be identified and managed. This results in capacity release through waste elimination, taking the pressure off and allowing time to be invested in improvements. Burnout reduces to manageable levels, and providers are not spending 5 hours a night charting at home. The providers and staff begin to exhibit joy in their work again and slowly, the culture of the entire practice changes to build a base for the future. 

BR can assist at all levels, from managing individual point projects through to entire practice redesign, strategic planning and alignment, succession planning and the effective transition from volume based to value based payment systems. 

Testimonials from our Clients