Healthcare Membership Options

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Basic Membership


  • Our basic membership includes access to
  • - our members only Community Forum section,
  • - Video and Classic training materials,
  • - our Newsletters,
  • - Podcasts and
  • - Articles written specifically to address your practice issues.
  • Basic members also have the opportunity to work one on one with Lee in limited Zoom sessions. All sessions are recorded and available to all basic members so we can share the learning generated in the BR community.

Value Membership


  • Our best value membership. Get all the Basic membership benefits, PLUS
  • - a customized "Readiness for Change" project, PLUS
  • - a level 1 Patient Care Value Stream AND
  • - a one hour Zoom meeting EVERY MONTH to help you integrate and align ALL your practice QI initiatives.
  • PCMH, MIPS, ACO, CPC+ initiatives can be duplicative and we help make sense of them all in the wider context of your practice's best direction for stability, balance and growth. These elements get your practice off the ground on a transformation program designed around the BR transformation methodology, created from the results of 30 years of working in organizational transformation and unique in the industry.

Premium Membership


  • Our Premium members receive everything in the Value membership package, PLUS
  • - extra one on one Zoom sessions on specific practice development areas, such as integration of behavioral health, HR issues and Revenue Cycle Management. It is the true custom support solution for strategically aligned QI in your practice. Think of this as your "On Demand Strategic and Operations Support System"

The Bryan Research Transformation Model

An integrated, holistic organizational model capable of representing levels of existence within the organization.
practice COACHING

Coaching your practice to integrated high performance

Regular coaching produces integrated performance improvement, higher team integration and increased waste reduction.
succession PLANNING

Ensuring your hard life's work carries on when you decide to exit the business

Succession planning is hard. We help you decide on the best way to carry on your business, leaving you with peace of mind and rewards for all your hard work.

We help construct the most effective culture in your organization

Cultural engineering can be one of the most effective ways of preparing an organization for a long term transformation. Click to find out how we do it, and if its right for you.

Transformation Club Membership Options

Welcome to Bryan Research!

  • Category: Healthcare
  • Published: Wednesday, January 01 2020 16:05
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 109616

We're a consulting organization specializing in organizational transformation. 

We have over 30 years experience solving problems and delivering value in healthcare, manufacturing, government and finance sectors. Think of us as that on call expert you need to help you take a different perspective to your business. We love to work with people who care deeply about their businesses, but are stalled by overwork, or excessive regulatory constraints, or just plain too much work. A good day for us is one where we see the shoulders relax, the eyes close and the frown lines disappear on good, honest, hard working people who have been overworked and stressed for far too long. Once people can breathe, amazing things can happen. We help create those conditions, then redesign organizations to understand and satisfy the true demands from their customers. 


Mission and Vision Statements:

Everyone has a Mission and Vision statement. You've read a million of them. They're usually something vacuous like "Partner with existing entities to leverage synergies and achieve economies of scale". Something that sounds like it's been designed by a committee and attempts to satisfy every single stakeholder in the organization. At BR, we like to simplify - to get to the essence of an issue or situation quickly so we can get to action as quickly as possible.

Our Mission is to help our clients understand their businesses as systems and build improvement capabilities within them.

Our Vision is a world where complex business systems are a thing of the past, and every organization is completely aligned with its purpose. Where customers receive what they need the first time, with no waste, difficulty or delay. Where computers are used to accelerate the value added work, not process more of the non value added work faster. 



The culmination of over 30 years of research experience results in an extensive knowledge and experience base in not one, but multiple sectors allowing cross fertilization of concepts, ideas and solutions. We've seen a lot. An awful lot. We've taken that experience and distilled it into a methodology which uses a multi level model of your organization to represent the generation of value using over a hundred specific business processes, common to similar organizations. We know how those processes can perform, and what works with them and more importantly, what doesn't. No other consulting organization (yes, including the ones you pay a fortune for) has this level of knowledge and produces results so quickly.

Our last 6 years have been focused on the healthcare sector working on PCMH and TCPI initiatives. We've seen hundreds of primary and specialty care practices with thousands of providers and staff struggling to stay afloat and provide the care they want to deliver, why they got into this field in the first place. Now, we want to make this accessible to a much wider population of client organizations, so it's time to reboot Bryan Research. We're excited to show you what we can do, and more importantly, what YOU can do.

Please sign up for our newsletter and blogs, and consider signing up as a member so we can start this conversation and help you become the very best organization you can be. 

We can work on a specific project basis, or in a more general engagement for organizational improvement. If you'd like to find out more about our capabilities at BR, please call us at (802) 870 3433 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Meet the Team

Lee Bryan

Lee Bryan


Testimonials from our Clients